
How to add and manage email contacts

How to add and manage email contacts

Adding and managing contacts in Ametrika email marketing

In order to send email campaigns and automations you need to add some email contacts first.

Contacts, stores and Ametrika organizations

Ametrika allows you to work independently in different organizations. Any organisation that you create in Ametrika can be connected to a number of different stores.

Whenever you add a new store to an Ametrika organization, all contacts sycnronised by the platform are only visible within that organization. Same for email campaigns and automations. They are only visible within an organization.

Since you can connect multiple stores per organization, whenever you define an email campaign or automation, you need to define what store it will take contacts from. You can send an individual campaign or automation to one or more stores that belong to the organization.

Stores organisations email contacts in ametrika

Same for contact uploads. Whenever you upload a contact file into an organization, you need to specify what store the uploaded contacts will belong to.

If you remove a store or an organization from the system, the contacts of the store will be deleted, except for the unsubscribe information. The system will remember what contacts unsubscribed from email campaigns from your domain. If a contact unsubscribed from any of your email campaigns in the past, no emails from your domain will ever be sent to that contact again in the future.

How to add contacts to your organization

There are three ways to add contacts to an organization.

  • Automatically add contacts when store is syncronised
  • Add contacts whenever a client registers with your website (store or app)
  • Add contacts by uploading CSV files

Adding contacts via store sync

This happens automatically when you connect to a new WooCommerce, Stripe or Magento store. Contacts loaded from a store will belong to that store only and will only be visible within the store’s organization.

Adding contacts whenever a new contact registers with your store

Whenever a new client (contact) logs into your store by entering an email address, in case of Magento and WooCommerce Ametrika will automatically add it to the contact list for the that connected store in real-time. In addition to that, Ametrika will synchronize the store every night to make sure no new contacts have been lost.

In case of Stripe, Ametrika will also see the new contact after the regular nightly synchronization has completed for the store. If you would like to add new contacts to Ametrika immediately after they have registered with your Stripe store or application, you need to send Ametrika a notification. We have provided an API that you can use to send new contacts to Ametrika E-commerce Suite in real-time.

Adding contacts by uploading CSV files

To load contacts that are not part of your store, you can use CSV import feature.

Go to the Left Panel > E-commerce Analytics > Email Marketing > File Uploads and click the NEW UPLOAD.

Ecommerce analytics file upload

Since all email contacts in the system have to belong to a store, you will need to select one of the previously connected stores.

After the upload, the system will tell you how many contacts have been loaded. Only unique contacts that are not known in the system will be counted.

If you delete a connection to a store, you will lose all contacts that have been synchronized with or uploaded to that store.

View contact details

To view the contacts that you have uploaded or synchronized, go to Left Panel > E-commerce Analytics > Email Marketing > Contacts

Contact details table

To view your contact details, click the VIEW drop-down button next to the contact in the table.

Contact details actions

The view panel will show and will display details of the contact - its latest email and purchase activity as well as its browsing patterns.

Contact details email activity

If you do not want a contact to receive any emails, you can disable it by using the DISABLE drop-down button next to the contact in the table.

Adding / removing tags

Tags are used to include or exclude contacts from email campaigns and as a custom variable for selected and managing your email contacts in the system.

To add or remove a tag, use the check box at the top-right of the contacts table and use ADD/REMOVE options from the list.

Contact tag management