
How to connect to WooCommerce

How to connect to WooCommerce

There are two ways to view WooCommerce data in Ametrika:

  • Marketing Analytics dashboards and reports (Ametrika for Agencies and Ametrika for Business products)
  • Advanced product, customer analytics, data segmentation in the Ametrika E-commerce Analytics

Both - Marketing and E-commerce Analytics - can use WooCommerce standard programmatic interface (API) as well as the Ametrika WooCommerce plugin that you can install in your store separately.

WooCommerce data in dashboards and reports

To access WooCommerce data in the Ametrika core dashboards visit the left panel and select the WooCommerce dashboard as shown in the image below:

Woocommerce dashboard connection

You can view WooCommerce data in reports by accessing the Reports item in the left panel.

Data widgets in core dashboards and reports will display information available through the standard WooCommerce programmatic interface (API) that will require you to enter WooCommerce keys when creating a connection.

WooCommerce data in the Ametrika E-Commerce Analytics

WooCommerce API connection can be used by the Ecommerce Suite to analyze individual transactions and build advanced analytics data views. E-Commerce Analytics will also build customer CRM, create segments and will support your email marketing campaigns.

Ecommerce suite left panel
E-Commerce Analytics supports multi-store product, customer analytics and customer segmentation features for Stripe, WooCommerce and Magento, as well as email marketing options for store owners. E-Commerce Analytics can create web store analytics reports and financial data in over 140 world currencies.

Both E-Commerce Analytics and Marketing Analytics Ametrika dashboards use the following methods to connect to the WooCommerce store data:

  • WooCommerce standard API for core reporting in Ametrika. It is used by most data widgets in Ametrika reports and dashboards.
  • Ametrika WooCommerce plugin offers an additional level of live data. It supports real-time Shopping basket events and sales funnel views such as web store visits, product interactions and other metrics.

How to connect to the WooCommerce API

When adding a WooCommerce widget, template or when a newly added dashboard prompts you to enter your store details, you will need to provide the following information:

  • WooCommerce ConsumerKey and SecretKey.
  • WooCommerce store URL
Woocommerce login details

When entering the store URL, make sure you enter the full domain starting with https:// or http://

Then you need to create your WooCommerce keys. Visit your WooCommerce administration console and generate the API keys (Consumer and Secret). Check out WooCommerce API Key Generation Page for more details (WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API > Select Add Key).

Woocommerce generate keys
Make sure you generate keys with Read and Write access as read-only keys will not allow you to receive real-time data from WooCommerce.
Woocommerce keys read write

WooCommerce API requirements

To be able to use WooCommerce API you must have:

  • WooCommerce 3.5+.
  • WordPress 4.4+.
  • Pretty permalinks in Settings > Permalinks so that the custom endpoints are supported. Default permalinks will not work.

To check Permalinks settings, go to your WordPress configuration (Settings > Permalinks) and set them to any but Plain option.

Woocommerce permalinks configuration

The following WooCommerce posts cover data API requirements and WooCommerce troubleshooting options.

Enabling authentication headers in your store

Sometimes, after you have done the above checks, we still can not retrieve data. Ametrika will report "Internal error" or "WooCommerce website not configured for external API (headers)". This happens in cases when WooCommerce stores are configured to remove HTTP authentication headers from data API requests. This is a known issue in WooCommerce community. There are a few options that you can try to remove this limitation. Check out this post that shows available options.

Once you have generated the keys and added them to the WooCommerce popup dialogue in Ametrika widgets will start displaying data.

Woocommerce connection added

You will be able to see the new WooCommerce connection in the Connections panel on the left:

Woocommerce connection list

Sending WooCommerce data to Ametrika E-Commerce Analytics

After you have added your new WooCommerce store keys, Ametrika dashboards and reports can start displaying data. By default, the E-Commerce Analytics does not receive any events from the store. You need to explicitly add the same connection to the E-Commerce Analytics.

E-Commerce Analytics is charged based on the number of orders that you process per month. Every time you add a store, Ametrika starts downloading orders and building new analytics metrics, dimensions and customer segments. Every downloaded order contributes toward your monthly quota. You will be required to upgrade your subscription if you reach your order limit.

To send WooCommerce store orders to the E-Commerce Analytics, visit the Connections panel on the left and click "ADD EXPORT" next to your WooCommerce Store.

Woocommerce how to send orders to suite

Give your connection a new name and click APPLY.

Woocommerce new name

This will add the store to the E-Commerce Analytics. Our platform will start downloading orders and analyzing the data.

Your connected stores will also be visible in the E-Commerce Analytics > Connection panel shown below:

Woocommerce list added

The status of the newly added connection is "Resyncing". This means that the E-Commerce Analytics is downloading and analyzing orders, products, clients and customer segments.

The same status will be displayed at the bottom of all E-commerce widgets until the process of data resyncing is complete.

Woocommerce resyncing in progress

Enabling real-time events and shopping basket analytics

There are several widgets in the E-Commerce Analytics and in the core Ametrika dashboards and reports that display real-time data from your store. They are related to the store visitors' browsing behaviours, shopping cart operations and sales funnel analytics.

If you would like to monitor currently active and abandoned shopping baskets and send email campaigns to your store visitors, you will need to enable Ametrika WooCommerce plugin in your WooCommerce Store.

To do so, visit your WooCommerce control panel and install Ametrika for WooCommerce plugin.

The plugin configuration options will be available under WooCommerce > Integration > Ametrika tab in your WordPress admin panel.

Woocommerce added plugin

This completes the tutorial on how to add WooCommerce connection to Ametrika dashboards and the E-Commerce Analytics.

For more details on the E-Commerce Analytics platform, read this Knowledge Base post.